Wood Gas Power Plants (CHP)
Extracting Gas from Wood
„How can we avoid the extensive processing and wasting of high-quality lumber?“
Our partner in technology has developed a process to make production of wood gas out of freshly cut wood chips (e.g. wood broken off in a storm) and chopped up industrial timber (e.g. residual wood from production) possible. Untreated waste wood can also be used, although it is not seen as biomass pursuant to §3 of the biomass regulations.
This way there is no more need for the use of expensive wood pellets, which use up a high amount of energy in production. The following chart will show the direct comparison of prices for wood pellets and wood chips and underline the risks of cost coming with the use of pellets.
From Wood Gas to Electricity
The purified wood gas is used as the fuel for the plants motor, which powers the generators producing electricity. The heat resulting from the processes can now be used for drying the wood supply and be feed into the local heat-network or used to heat up the warm water reserves for heating or warm water.
Again the same thing applies:
Ecologically and economically it makes more sense to use direct marketing and sell excess heat and power to neighbouring consumers!
Learn more about the wood gas technology
Wood Gas Power Plant Calculator
How does using a wood gas power plant change my energy costs? Click here to find out...
Container Systems
Wood gas CHP-plant in container format. Systems up to 150 KWel, that don’t need an existing building.
Stationary Systems
Wood gas CHP-plants as a built-in solution. Meant for already existing buildings or structures built for a CHP-system.

Contact us
May we assist you with your project?
Simply contact us and we will supervise your project from the beginning to the end upon request. From planning to installation and maintenance of your project, you can count on our assistance. We can’t wait to work with you.
You are a specialized company and wish to join us? Please contact us via the contact form as well. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss further details.